Asalaam alaikum warahmatula wabarakatu
I wanted to share why I started the Revert Reflections project. As a revert myself, I recognized the unique challenges that reverts often encounter in their faith journey. Many of us have questions that don’t always align with those from Muslims born into the faith, such as concerns about asking for mercy for our non-Muslim family members. For instance, there are teachings that emphasize the power of a mother’s prayers, but many of us wonder how that applies to our non-Muslim mothers.
The name Revert Reflections was chosen to emphasize the importance of introspection and sharing our experiences as we navigate our faith together. The primary motivation behind this initiative was to create a supportive community where we can discuss these topics openly. I wanted to foster a space where reverts feel comfortable sharing their experiences, seeking guidance, and venting about challenges specific to our backgrounds. It can be difficult to voice certain questions in mixed company, but within a group of reverts, it’s easier to connect and find understanding. I recognized a gap in our community and wanted to fill it. All reverts are welcome, whether they are thinking of converting, have newly converted, or have been part of the faith for many years. I had someone come and say they thought they would not feel at place because they converted over 15 years ago, but they felt so at ease; the questions and needs are just the same as a new revert. Our journey may be further and longer, but it’s still the same.
As for the project’s progress, I’m pleased to report that it has been going well. We have had several successful sessions, with participants expressing gratitude for the supportive environment we’ve cultivated. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and many have shared how the project has helped them navigate their journey with more confidence and understanding.

I am hopeful that we can continue to expand our reach and support even more reverts.
Our meetings are held every other Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The next gathering is on January 29, 2025. Please do join us!